El equipo de GISAP

Edileny Tome da Mata

    Doctor in Human Rights and Interculturality

    • Postdoctoral Investigator - UniBRASIL University


    edtomata (@) gmail.com


    My research interes is focussed on the effectiveness of the rights of black African migrants. that includes an integral concern about security systems, taking into account the legal system and other elements. In sense, I have in mind the social economic circumstances, legal conditions and temporal and spatial contexts as key elements in check and analyze the effectiveness of the rights of migrants.

    Lugares donde ha investigado

    Bologna (Italy); Seville (Spain); Huelva (Spain); Graz (Austria); Örebro (Sweden); Lisbon (Portugal); Curitiba (Brazil); Salerno (Italy).

    Proyectos del GISAP en los que ha trabajado

    Proyectos fuera del GISAP

    "“Gender, migration and intercultural interactions in the Mediterranean
    and South East Europe”: February 2008 – February 2011

    Fragua Diá-logos: Management of the diversity; Guarantee of the rights human beings. Mediation proposals.9/1/2011-9/30/2012.

    AMITIE: Migration, development and rights: Ideas free to move: Mars – November 2011
    OPERATION VOTE: November 2012 to October 2014

    MARES II. Transference of the system for the mobility of the labour migratory flows
    Morocco – Andalusia: January, 2011 to December, 2013.

    MAAM. Mothers and immigrants. Methodologies and practices for
    basic alphabetization and permanent didactic support for their children: 09/29/2013 – 10/04/2013

    Open integration classrooms: January 2015 –May 2015

    O Direito Humano ao trabalho no context global atual: Um esforço de
    conceitualizaçao e principais desafios para sua proteçao e implementaçao na perspectiva: October 2015 – January 2016"

    Publicaciones destacadas


    Currículum vitae