El equipo de GISAP

Doctor and Degree in Social Anthropology, Seville University. Doctoral Programme " Regional Politics and Territorial Transformations", Geography and History University.Thesis title "Planning and territorial Incidence of the social services in Andalusia" 2005

gcormar (@) upo.es


Social intervention
Social services
Politics of Equality
Active aging
Social work in Justice

Lugares donde ha investigado

Areas of social work in Seville. Planning and organisation of social services in Andalusia, politics of equal opportunity in Spain

Proyectos del GISAP en los que ha trabajado


Project"The Only system of social services in Ecuador: Models of organization and social intervention" 2013-16 Project: "Technical advice between UPO and social welfare delegation of the Town hall of Seville for the starting of a community social services school and active methodology of community intervention" 2008-200 Project; "IUVENALIS, to consolidate the integration of the young group in the employment" 2005-07.
