El equipo de GISAP


My research concerns have initially revolved around community and participatory development in the field of indigenous social movements. More recently, I have got involved in aspects related to social exclusion within an urban context. In this area, my jobs have led me to tackle phenomena such as the social reality of excluded neighbourhoods, youthful vandalism, homelessness, corporal ties in stigmatized groups and, finally societal phenomena, with emphasis on exclusion scenarios or social marginality. My latest research efforts have been turn to research about sustainable and alternative forms of urban mobility, focusing on the study of bicycle use in large cities.

Lugares donde ha investigado

Spain, Guatemala

Redes de investigación

Proyectos del GISAP en los que ha trabajado

Proyectos fuera del GISAP

-Genre and processes of decision- making in the Andalusian rural environment: women in the politics and in the business management (2001)

-The tailoring office in the Low Andalusia. Material and Immaterial patrimony (2002)

-Sub-Saharan immigrants in the big Andalusian cities (2nd phase). (2003)

-Sociocultural approach of the phenomenon of the "vigorexia": case study of the city of Seville (2005).

- Immigration, NGOs and Public Administrations in Andalusia: ethnic logics, organizational cultures and social integration (2005).

-Vandalism, patrimony and power in Seville: from the periphery to the center (2007)

-Participatory Community Diagnosis and Integral Development Plan of Tres Barrios-Amate. Sevilla (2004-2007)

Publicaciones destacadas


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In last years my most recurrent teaching themes have been: social intervention, interethnic relations, research methodologies and techniques (with emphasis on participatory methodologies) and sport anthropology and sociology.