El equipo de GISAP

Degree in Geography and History, speciality in Social and Cultural Anthropology, Seville University. Doctoral Programme: Culture and Identities in the present society. Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA). Social Anthropology Department, Seville University.

  • Research Collaborator Institut Català de Recerca de Patrimoni Cultural (ICRPC)
  • Environmental Anthropology Network Member
  • Federation of Spanish Antrhopology Associations Member

mdcorgan (@) upo.es


"Patrimonial appropriation" processes in coastal areas, fishing and tourism are the areas where I have most developed my research job. I have done technical and scientific advice for various public entities related to heritage management and social intervention. I have also participated in projects related to the social economy and neighbourhood associationism, as well as the dynamization of citizen participation processes in environmental and territorial management as well as groups at risk of social exclusion

Lugares donde ha investigado

Fisheries research, tourism, cultural and natural heritage: Andalusia (in all its coast, highlighting the Strait of Gibraltar) Galicia, Catalonia and Pais Vasco. Participatory social research: Cadiz (environmental management PN Strait, PGOU of the Port of Santa Maria and community social intervention in the municipalities of Cadiz, San Fernando, Chiclana and Barbate). Province of Huelva (environmental management Natural Park Doñana).

Proyectos fuera del GISAP

Project: CIMAR The city and the Sea. The Patrimonial appropriation of the Cities port (HAR2013-48498-P) Year: 2015-17

Project: PESCUM ethnological Patrimony, Society and Marine Culture (HAR2010-15566) Year: 2010-13"
