El equipo de GISAP


Epistemology and Anthropology History, Oral Literature, popular musics, flamenco, arts. religions, rituality, sport, tourism, social intervention, biological agriculture, peasantry, sociability

Lugares donde ha investigado

Alpujarra (Granada y Almería) Berrocal (Huelva) Huertas (Azuay, Ecuador)

Redes de investigación

Proyectos del GISAP en los que ha trabajado


Cultural Research Marques of Lozoya Award (3rd Award, Department of Education) edition 2003. International Award Juan Valera, edition 2004, to the best anthropological, sociological, philological research job of customs on Andalusian subject-matter (Goat, Cordoba). International Ethnographic Investigation Award Ángel Carril, edition 2004, to the best job of ethnographic investigation related to Spain, Latin America or the sefardi culture (Salamanca Delegation) International Humanistic Studies Award Manuel Alvar, of the Foundation Lara (edit. Planet), edition 2005 City of Seville Award 2009, to the best research project, Town hall of Seville, Seville University.Pablo de Olavide University.

Publicaciones destacadas