El equipo de GISAP

Doctor at Pablo de Olavide University. Social work and Services Department. Thesis: "Subjects in the social Intervention" Mention Cum Laudem unanimously,2012 December. Specialist University Degree in Participatoy Research, Pablo de Olavide University, 2004 October-2005 June, 31 credits. Degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology, Seville University 2002-2005. Degree in Social Work. Curricular Itinerary of Child and Youth Welfare. School of Social Work of Pablo de Olavide Univeristy (Seville) 1999-2002. Extraordinary Award to the best academic record

  • 1)Assistant Professor of Humanism and Philosophy Department- Loyola University Andalusia
  • 2) General Secretary Caritas Regional Andalusia
  • 3) General Secretary Caritas Diocesana of Seville
  • 4)Member of the Executive Board of the Third Sector
  • 5) Member of the Patronage Foundation San Pelayo

magonzalez (@) uloyola.es


My research interests are focused in three main research areas: 1) Social intervention, 2) Social Policies. 3) Third sector and volunteer associations

Lugares donde ha investigado

Seville, Andalusia, Ecuador

Proyectos del GISAP en los que trabaja actualmente

Proyectos del GISAP en los que ha trabajado

Proyectos fuera del GISAP

"• I+D Project: Inclusion politics in the autonomous regions. Location in the European context and answer to the new situations. Department of Economy and Competitiveness. State program of Promotion of the Scientific and Technical Investigation of Excellency. 2015-2018.

• Research Project: Socioeconomic determinants of the health in Andalusia: compared study of the impact of the economic crisis in the health of the Andalusians. Center of Andalusian Studies. Commission of the Presidency. 2014-2016.


Phd Extraordinary Award Universidad Pablo de Olavide. 2012-2013 Edition

Publicaciones destacadas


Perfil docente

My teacher profile is divided into two areas.
- Social work and Social services Area: Social work history, groups social work, social skills, social services, Social applied policies, well-fare state,
- Anthropology Area: Social Anthropology, Anthropology of communication