El equipo de GISAP

MsC Social sciences applied to environment (Pablo de Olavide University) MsC Sustainability sciences to manage global change (Andalusian International University) Degree in Human Sciences (Pablo de Olavide University)


lberdia (@) upo.es



I am interested in the relationships between nature and culture. I also focus on urban studies from the Environmental Anthropology, Political Ecology and Critical Geography perspective. Specifically I focus my analysis on:
• activisms, grassroots, urban or rural social movements, advocacy and other protests mechanisms and social repression strategies
• urban and social ecological resilience, social-ecological conflicts, power relations and ecosystem services,
• gentrification and neoliberalization processes,
• urban and sustainable mobility, cycling studies
• housing cooperatives, cohousing projects and others of house sharing
• tourism analysis
In order to analyse this issues, I am interested in qualitative approaches such us: classical, collaborative or online ethnographies, participatory-action research, power relations analysis, social networks analysis, social-ecological resilience framework, ecosystem services framework and climate change and vulnerability analysis.

Lugares donde ha investigado

Seville, Malaga, Cordoba Leeds (England)

Redes de investigación

Proyectos del GISAP en los que ha trabajado

Proyectos fuera del GISAP

CooperHaBITAr.Keys for the generation of cooperative processes that assure the right to a worthy housing in Andalusia
Leader: Esteban de Manuel Jerez; Reference: 2438/0120; Start Date: 01/26/2015 Finish date: 09/30/2015
Company/Financial Entity: Agency of Public Work, Junta de Andalucía http://www.aopandalucia.es/

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