El equipo de GISAP

Doctor in Ecology; Master' s Degree in Ecology; Degree in Biology

  • Dpt. Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, Copenhaguen University. Socio-ecosystems Laboratory, Autonomous University of Madrid (collaborator)


elisa.oterosrozas (@) gmail.com




I am interested in realizing the millennial relations between the ecosystems and the human beings from the perspective of the Sustainability Sciences. I understand the sustainability as a dynamic balance consisted of several social dimensions (including cultural, economic, political and institutional) and ecological. In the current context of systemic crisis (ecological, social, financial, of care …) and consequent unsustainability. I consider fundamentally: 1) To make visible the connections between the human well-being and the functioning of the ecosystems, 2) to facilitate the dialogue between different types of scientific, traditional, local and technical knowledge and 3) to generate useful information for the decision making to all the scales. It is also interesting to me to explore the history and the social-ecological memory of the social-ecological systems to evaluate its resilience and adaptation capacity opposite to the perturbations and past, current and potential promoters of change. For it, I try to work with a perspective inter and transdisciplinary as far as possible, by means of investigation hardware so much of the natural sciences as the social sciences, more possible participatory. Also, I identify with the paradigms and positions of the social environmentalism, the agro ecology, the food Sovereignty and the ecofeminism, which I try to mainstream in my investigations.
My career has especially centred on the agroecosystems and the traditional agrarian practices of the Mediterranean region, on having realized my doctoral thesis in the social-ecological network associated with the migration in the Real Cañada of Cuenca (Spain) exploring the biophysical, sociocultural and economic values of the services generated by the ecosystems associated with this millennial practice. Nevertheless, considering the relevancy for the sustainability of the imbalances north - south and centre - periphery and the ecological distributive conflicts associated with them, I try to maintain part of my investigation in Latin America, with special attention in Colombia.
In my postdoctoral stage I collaborate with the Laboratory of Socioecosystems of the Autonomous University of Madrid and from October 2015 I am a beneficiary of a postdoctoral contract Andalusia Talent Hub (Marie Curie) for the achievement of the project “Navigating the rural - urban continuum under the social-ecological perspective”, like part of the GISAP and the department of Geosciences and Resources Management Natives of the University of Copenhagen Denmark).

Lugares donde ha investigado

Cañada Real Conquense (Teruel, Cuenca, Ciudad Real, Jaén); Doñana; Madrid; Huelva; Colombia; México; Argentina

Proyectos fuera del GISAP

"""Adaptive governance of mountain ecosystem services for poverty alleviation
enabled by environmental virtual observatories (MOUNTAIN-EVO)."" 2014-2016. http://paramo.cc.ic.ac.uk/espa/
""Sustainable Futures for Europe's Heritage in Cultural Landscapes: Tools for
understanding, managing, and protecting landscape functions and values (HERCULES)"". 2014-2016. http://www.hercules-landscapes.eu/project.php
""Agroforestry that will advance rural development (AGFORWARD)"" 2014-2016. http://www.agforward.eu/
""Community based management of environmental challenges (COMET-LA)."" 2012-2015. http://www.comet-la.eu/
""Evaluation of the Ecosystems of Millenium in Spain "". 2010-2012. http://www.ecomilenio.es/
""Economic evaluation of the biodiversity and the services of the ecosystems tied to the migration in the Real Canada Conquense: implications for the management of the Mediterranean agroecosystems in the context of the global change "" 2008-2011. https://www.uam.es/gruposinv/socioeco/ficha_proyecto_4.htm"
