El equipo de GISAP

Doctor in Social Anthropology

  • Head of department of social anthropolgy, social psychology and public health


eruibal (@) upo.es


At present my essential interests are: (1) environmental anthropology centred on the human beings’ relations - environment and the processes of naturalization; (2) local base tourism, focusing on its environmental effects and on the processes of community-building; and (3) social intervention, including just the ambience of the social services as much the processes of patrimonial appropriation. From a theoretical - methodological point of view the systemic and complex approaches worry me.

Lugares donde ha investigado

Mining Cuenca of Riotinto, Jerez de la Frontera, Agua Blanca (Manabí, Ecuador), Galapagos Islands, Nature reserve Sierra de Aracena and Picos de Aroche.

Redes de investigación

Proyectos del GISAP en los que ha trabajado

Publicaciones destacadas
