El equipo de GISAP

Doctor in Social Anthropology at Pablo de Olavide University with the thesis "Lines of the dissident city: contested city , symbolic capital and political action in the historical center of Seville". Master´s degree in Latin American Studies at the Aberdeen University.

  • Assistant Professor at the Valle University (Cali-Colombia)


adolfo.garcia (@) correounivalle.edu.co


My interest centers on analyzing ethnographic practices of the urban thing in particular, on one side, the study of the social movements from the perspective of the frames of interpretation and on the other, on the forms of daily mobility, in this occasion, from the structuralism - constructive. For it, I have used such notions like contested spaces, motility and urban resilience.

Lugares donde ha investigado

Seville, Malaga, Freiburg (Germany), La Paz (Bolivia), Cali (Colombia)

Redes de investigación

Proyectos del GISAP en los que ha trabajado


Current projects: "Urban planning, habits and representations on the socio-spatial mobility: an analysis on the motility of two neighbourhoods of Cali" "The closed multifamily residences and its ties with the exterior spaces: a case of study.". Awards: Third Prize Marqués de Lozoya 2010,Culture Ministry, Spanish government . First Investigation Prize.Seville 2009, Seville City Hall (co-author)

Publicaciones destacadas


Perfil docente

My topics of interest teaching turn on urban theories, ethnographic methods, mobility and transport.