El equipo de GISAP

Doctor in Geography and History

  • Director GISAP
  • Director of International Campus of Excellence of Environment, Biodiversity and Global Change

fjescrey (@) upo.es


Environmental anthropology, political anthropology, participatory methodologies, urban socio-ecosystems, socio-ecological resilience, socio-ecosystems services, patrimonial appropiation processes, sociability, collective identities.

Lugares donde ha investigado

Andalusia, Costa Rica, Nicaragua

Redes de investigación

Proyectos del GISAP en los que ha trabajado


Project: Tourism, environmental recreations and sustainability in the Andalusian protected natural spaces: social-ecological resilience, social participation and collective identifications Code: P06-RNM-02139 Ambience of the project: Autonomic financial Program: PROJECTS OF EXCELLENCY Financial entity : JUNTA DE ANDALUCÍA Manager, Escalera Reyes Francisco Javier Start date: 5/2/2007 Finish date: 3/30/2010 Total amount (EUROS): 169536,3 Project: PEOPLE PARTICIPATING Code: P-SO6-2 Scope of the project: EU Financial programme: Interreg IV C Financial entity: Responsible EUROPEAN COMMISSION: Escalera - Reyes, Francisco Javier Start date: 11/16/2009 Finish date: 8/31/2011 total amount (EUROS): 160000

Publicaciones destacadas


Currículum vitae
