El equipo de GISAP

- Doctor in Social Anthropology, Basque Country University.Thesis: ‘Denial’ punk in the Basque society. Socio-anthropological investigation of a liminal symbolism. - Degree in Philosophy, Basque Country University. - Undergraduate Degree in Philosophy, Granada University

  • Society for the Study of 'Andalú' (Z.E.A.)


jporbla (@) upo.es


- Participatory processes
- Linguistic anthropology, especially on Andalusian language
- Andalusian culture

Lugares donde ha investigado

- Euskal Herria - Andalusía (several regions)

Redes de investigación

Proyectos del GISAP en los que ha trabajado


- Excellency Project P06 RNM 02139: Tourism,environmental recreations and sustainability in the Andalusian protected natural spaces: social-ecological resilience, social participation and collective identifications (from 10-1-08 to 7-31-09 . - Integration of the new settlers in the rural areas affected by the metropolitan areas (from 6-26-07 to 7-4-08) - Technical Advice for making of the process of participation of II Sustainable Development plan of Doñana (from 11-1-2005 to 3-31-2007). - Third Award 24th edition Cultural research award “Marquess of Lozoya” (2005): ‘Denial‘ punk in the Basque society. Socio-anthropologist Investigation of a symbolism liminal.