El equipo de GISAP

Master's Degree in Social Investigation applied to the Environment, Pablo de Olavide University. Degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology with Excellence Mention, Seville University

  • Collaborating researcher Centro em Rede de Investigaçâo em Antropologia (CRIA), Portugal
  • Member of "Associaçâo Portuguesa de Antropología"
  • Member of Environmental Anthropology Network
  • Member of Latin-American anthropologists in Network Association (AIBR)

smoncru (@) upo.es


The study of the relationships between humans and environments is the current interest in my research. From the social-ecological point of view, I try to understand specially how humans and animals interact in contemporary society. The axes of main analyses are representations, perceptions, affectivity and communicative relations. I look for the results of investigation are useful in the specific contexts where they take place, orienting the ethnographic practice to the applicability with people.

Lugares donde ha investigado

Extremadura, Andalusia, Alto and Bajo Alentejo (Portugal)

Redes de investigación

Proyectos fuera del GISAP

Tittle of project: The Iberian Pig: An Anthropological Approach to Pig-feeding Systems and the Process of Creating a New Local Brand in the Iberian Peninsula
Financial Entity: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Type of announcement (national or international): International
Participating entities: National Museum of Ethnology (Osaka, Japan)
Main Investigator: Ph. D. Atushi Nobayashi


Extraordinary Award to the Best Academic Record of the Degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology. Academic year 2011/2012 Seville University

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