Professor Manuel Pérez, Principal Investigator of the GECEM project and editor of the Palgrave Studies in Comparative Global History series was interviewed last week by the executive committee of Palgrave Macmillan/Springer about his Open Access publications.

The interview, which can be consulted in its entirety, revolved around the usefulness and success that Open Access publications can have for the Digital Humanities. Thus, the researcher went through different positive aspects of this type of publication, such as the opportunity to reach a wider audience, not only in the academic sphere, one of the objectives pursued by the European Research Council through the funding of ambitious research projects.

The researcher highlights the great advantages he has experienced by publishing two of his recent books in open access. His book Global History with Chinese Characteristics, published just 5 months ago, has reached this figure and the one that saw the light of day in 2018, entitled Global History and New Polycentric Approaches.

You can check out the full interview, both in video and written format, at the following link.


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