Paula Lozano de Lemus

Paula Lozano de Lemus holds degrees in Translation and Interpreting and in Humanities from the Universidad Pablo de Olavide (UPO), where she graduated in 2018 and completed a Master’s Degree in International Communication, Translation and Interpreting in 2019. That same year, she also obtained the postgraduate qualification of Specialist in Legal and Court Translation and Interpreting offered by the Universitat Jaume I (UJI). In 2018, she was awarded an academic research start-up grant (PPI: 1707) at the Universidad Pablo de Olavide. In this research project, she compiled a corpus of transcriptions of real trials for later use as training material and for the development of resources for court interpreters. She is currently working on her PhD at this same university, focusing on the quality assessment of the interpreting services offered in criminal proceedings in Andalusia. She balances her research studies with her activity as an English-Spanish translator, proof-reader, and layout editor at a Seville-based board games publisher. Her main fields of research are court interpreting, legal translation, and the development of specialized resources for court translators and interpreters.

  • Lozano de Lemus, Paula (2023). Revisando la traducción jurídica. El derecho comparado y el método traductor como base para afrontar la asimetría jurídica. In Del Español. Revista de Lengua: De lingüística forense. 1, 33-48.

  • Lozano de Lemus, Paula (2023). Sistemas de provisión de servicios de traducción e interpretación de calidad en las fases del proceso penal: la pieza clave para la salvaguarda de derechos humanos en sede judicial. In Debates en torno a la comunicación, la igualdad de género y los derechos humanos. 321-337. Dykinson.

  • Lozano de Lemus, Paula (2023). Reseña: Strömmuse, O. (2020) Manual for Beginning Interpreters: A Comprehensive Guide to Interpreting in Immigration Courts. Albuquerque: Anthony Tell Ltd Co. 290 pp. ISBN 978-1-7362156-0-9. In Transletters. International Journal of Translation and Interpreting. 7(2), 123-128. ISSN: 2605-2954.

  • Lozano de Lemus, Paula (2022). La interpretación en los procesos penales: ¿Qué opinan los jueces de guardia sobre el papel de los intérpretes?. In Hikma. 21 (1) pp. 163-190. ISSN: 2445-4559, 1579-9794.

  • Lozano de Lemus, Paula (2019). S. Cayron (ed.). 2017. Manual de Traducción Jurada de Documentos Notariales en Materia de Sucesiones entre los Sistemas Jurídicos Francés y Español. In FITISPos-International Journal. 6/1/225-227.