The International Seminar "Collective Violence and Genocide V: Connections and Comparisons" will begin on September 30. This fifth edition, which will have two sessions, the first on September 30 and the second on October 1, will focus on the comparative and connected history of collective violence and genocide in all parts of the world, both in Early Modern and Contemporary periods.

The goal of studying the connections and comparisons among several cases of destruction of groups aims not at finding a common unifying source, but at expanding the understanding of each of the cases under study, grasping of the elements that make it unique and the commonalities that link, implicit or explicitly, different cases together.

To achieve that, participants in the seminar will focus on the deep study of specific dimensions within the collective violence or genocidal process that can be then compared to other cases, the connection and disconnections among contemporary cases and the methodological framework needed to study so.

If you wish to consult the full program, you can do so through this linkwhere you can access the online session through the Zoom platform online session through the Zoom platform without prior registration.