Manuel F. Portillo Pérez

Manuel Portillo-Pérez is a sociologist and currently a doctoral candidate at the Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Seville, Spain), where he is working on his thesis on the motivations of politicians in times of crisis. Master in Society, Administration and Politics, he is specialized in the study of political elites and their relations with society. During his career he has won competitive grants and contracts, currently enjoying a predoctoral contract for University Teacher Training (FPU) associated with his international thesis project.

As a member of the PTyP research group he has participated in several research projects related to political elites (Conflict and Consensus, Parliamentarians and Society, CIUPARCRI, etc.), developing different roles in the different teams, presenting results in international congresses and publishing in academic journals and books.

With a degree in teaching, sociology of education, sports and urban sociology are other of his interests. He teaches at the University Pablo de Olavide linked to the Department of Sociology, where his experience in methodology and political sociology subjects stands out.


