Maite Iglesias Buxeda

Maite Iglesias Buxeda, research technician in the PROTEiCA project and doctoral candidate in Environment and Society (UPO) for the Environmental Anthropology line.

Master in Social Research applied to the Environment (UPO) and a degree in Environmental Sciences (ULe). She complements his academic training with different courses related to areas of his research (gender and equality, qualitative data analysis -AtlasTi, discourse analysis, R, cartographic representations and others).

She has experience in research projects in Ecology (recovery of degraded area, influence of nitrogen deposition on plants, ecology of anchovy) from different institutes and universities (UFRJ, Brazil, University of León, Leuphana, Germany, AZTI, Basque Country ). She has enjoyed different scholarships and research grants, the last to do a doctoral stay at the University of Aberdeen (Scotland). He has worked as administrative support for doctoral programs (UPO) and as a support technique for research in the CEI-CamBio. She is also part of the group of the research group GISAP and the GEP & DO.

As a result of his interdisciplinary training, she focuses her doctoral research on the study of different areas of contestation or resistance in the city of Seville from a socioecosystem perspective. For this, she develops a mixed methodology based on participant observation, workshops and interviews.

