Protest, learning and political change.

What are the consequences of protest events such as the mobilizations against the cuts, the 8M or the pensioners' protests on the way citizens think and do politics?

PROTEiCA is a research project focused on exploring the relationship between the individual experience of protest, learning and changes in political attitudes, both for people who take to the streets to protest and for those who stay at home and experience them indirectly through the media.

To investigate these issues we conducted personal interviews and surveys. PROTEiCA is a research with academic purposes, which has public funding (funded by FEDER / Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities-State Research Agency -Reference CS2017-84861-P-) that seeks to generate knowledge that allows us to improve our political system from rigorous data, prepared following the scientific methodology applied to the knowledge of social phenomena. It is coordinated by the Pablo de Olavide University and it involves researchers from other universities and research centers such as the Autonomous University of Madrid or the European University Institute of Florence. We also have two Observer Promoting Entities (EPOs), the State Coordinator for the Defense of the Public Pension System (COESPE) and +Democracia, as part of the civil society that allows greater dissemination of the research results.

More information on the project approach here:

The research strategy combines qualitative, quantitative and experimental logic.

We conducted a series of 44 focused interviews with participants in the 8M of 2018 and the pensioners' protests during that same year, with diverse profiles, but without a previous record of intense activism. The interviews were conducted during the months of November 2018 and February 2019 in three areas: Bilbao, Madrid and Seville. The script was aimed at reproducing their experience of participation as well as tracing the memory of 15M and the rest of mobilizations during the economic crisis.

During 8M 2019 we conducted a telephone survey following a rolling cross-sectional design. More information about the survey at

  • Article published in Empiria by Manuel Jiménez (PROTEiCA project manager), Raúl Álvarez Pérez and Gomer Betancor Nuez, working team members.

  • Book chapter in Politicians in hard times, by Manuel Jiménez Sánchez (head of the PROTEiCA project) and Pablo Domínguez:

  • ScienciesPo: Centre de Recherches Internationales interview with Manuel Jimenez (PROTEiCA project manager)

  • Article published in "" by Manuel Jiménez (PROTEiCA project manager), Josep Lobera and Marta Fraile.

  • Article published in Agenda Pública by Manuel Jiménez (PROTEiCA project manager) and members of the working team.

  • Interview Radio Abierta Sevilla, in the program Mujeres por el Barrio (Responsible for PROTEiCA project)

  • Article by Gomer Betancor (member of PROTEiCA) for the Grupo de Estudios sobre Sociedad y Política (GESP) of the UNED.

  • Interview Cadena SER to Manuel Jiménez (PROTEiCA Project Manager)