Elena Ferri

Elena Ferri Fuentevilla (Seville, 1982) has a Diploma in Social Work (2003) and a Degree in Sociology from the Universidad Pablo de Olavide (2009), a Master in Politics and Democracy from the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (2011) and a PhD from the Universidad Pablo de Olavide (2013) with the qualification Sobresaliente Cum Laude unanimously.

She has recently published several co-authored articles in EMPIRIA, Revista Española de Sociología (RES), Política y Sociedad and book chapters in prestigious publishers such as Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales (CEPC) and Centro de Investigación Sociológica (CIS).

Her main lines of research deal with national identity, state nationalism,
partisan strategies, multinational democracies.

