Rocío Muñoz Moreno

Social worker and sociologist, specialized in the analysis and evaluation of urban regeneration and land use planning policies, as well as in the field of disability and social services, topics on which she has published a number of books and scientific articles.

Trained at the University of Cadiz and the University Pablo de Olavide, Seville. Doctorate in Sociology (Extraordinary Doctorate Award) and Master in Social Sciences and Social Intervention. She has been part of the research team that has worked in the elaboration of the Urban Agenda of Andalusia, as well as in the design and evaluation of different urban regeneration programs financed with European funds (Urban Initiative 2007-2013).

She is currently a professor at the University of Huelva, in whose Department of Sociology, Social Work and Public Health she teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses.

Her recent publications include:

  • Telework and Social Services in Spain during the COVID-19 Pandemic (2021). In International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15;18(2):725. Together with Aleix Morilla Luchena, Alfonso Chaves Montero and Octavio Vázquez Aguado.
  • COVID-19 and social services in Spain (2020) In PLoS One 18;15(11) Together with Alfonso Chaves Montero, Aleix Morilla Luchena and Octavio Vázquez Aguado.
  • The Urban Initiative in Spain (2007-2013): Design and implementation of public policies for urban regeneration in Alicante, Cádiz, Córdoba and Coslada (2018) in Gestión y Análisis de Políticas Públicas, Nº20, pag 100-123. Together with Mª Ángeles Huete García.
  • Urban Regeneration Policy from the Integrated Urban Development Model in the European Union: an Analytical Approach Based on the Study of Spanish Cities (2016),Local Government Studies, 42:2, 267-286, together with Mª Ángeles Huete García and Rafael Merinero Rodríguez.
  • Los sistemas locales de bienestar. An analysis from urban regeneration policies (2015). In Revista de Estudios Políticos Nº 169, 2015, pp. 201-233. With Mª Ángeles Huete García and Rafael Merinero Rodríguez.
  • Urban regeneration policies in Spain: the substantive and procedural dimension. From policy content to governance (2013). In Gestión y Análisis de Políticas Públicas, nº 9 January-June 2013. Together with Mª Ángeles Huete García and Rafael Merinero Rodríguez.
  • Neighborhood models and logics of localization of the immigrant population. El caso de la ciudad de Sevilla (2011) In Scripta Nova, vol. 15. Together with Mª Ángeles Huete García.