Manuel Jiménez Sánchez presents the results of a research on International Women’s Day to the 26th World Congress of Political Science

The member and director of the research group Politics, Territory and Participation of the Pablo de Olavide University, Manuel Jimenez Sanchez, has presented the results of a research on International Women’s Day to IPSA, at the 26th World Congress of Political Science, held from July 10 to 15, 2021.

The paper presented at the congress is entitled “Capturing the transformative potential of protest events for the general public: the International Women’s Day 2019 in Spain”. Also, together with Manuel Jiménez Sánchez, researchers Marta Farile – Senior Scientist at the Institute of Politics and Public Goods at CSIC – and Josep Lobrera – Professor of Sociology at the Autonomous University of Madrid and at Tufts University & Skidmore College -, both members of the research team of the PROTEiCA project, are part of the authorship.

The paper was presented on July 10, 2021 in the panel GS02.02 Social Dynamics and Politics – New Social Movements, New Parties. Below is the video of the presentation.

Finally, Elena Ferri and Luis Navarro, members of the PROTEiCA project team and from the University of Granada and Pablo de Olavide respectively, presented a paper entitled “Emotions and Protest: A methodological Proposal to Identify and Categorize Feelings in 8M and Pensioner Protesters in Spain”, at the session Alternatives Forms of Engagement: Outcomes and Methodological Issues, held on July 12, 2021.