Romain Pasquier

Since 2011, Romain Pasquier is a CNRS research professor ( Directeur de recherche ) at the " Centre de recherche sur l'action politique en Europe ", Institute of Political Studies, University of Rennes. Specialist in regional governance and decentralization in Europe, he obtained in 2010 his " Habilitation à diriger des recherches " at the Centre d'études européennes en Sciences-Po Paris. In 2000-01 he was Jean Monnet Fellow, Robert Schumann Center, European University Institute of Florence. He obtained his PhD in 2000 from the University of Rennes. In 2012, Pasquier was an expert at DG Regio of the European Commission. He supervised an evaluation of the involvement of sub-state authorities in continental or sub-continental integration processes.

From 2008 to 2010, he was a visiting researcher and lecturer at several universities (Exeter, Aberystwyth, Montreal, Seville). He is chief scientific advisor at the Institute of Territorial Governance and Decentralization (Paris) and teaches at Sciences-Po Rennes. He obtained funding from the European Science Foundation for his participation in the Citizenship after Nation State program 2008-2010. In 2005, he received the "Young Researcher" award in Social Sciences from the Brittany Region. In 2011, he obtained the CNRS " Prime d'excellence scientifique ". This last decade, he has published and edited ten books and more than fifty articles and chapters in his fields of research.

