Ignacio Vegas Sandoval

Sociologist by the University of Buenos Aires (2016), he completed the Higher Diploma in Management and Control of Public Policies at the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (2017) and the Master in Society, Administration and Politics at the Pablo de Olavide University (2018-2019), from the award of a scholarship for official postgraduate studies, granted by the Ibero-American University Association of Postgraduate Studies.

He is currently a PhD student in Social Sciences at the Universidad Pablo de Olavide, where he develops research tasks as a Senior Research Support Titulado in the UPOMetropoli line of PTyP. Among the research topics he develops are those linked to the approach, management and evaluation of public policies, urban and metropolitan policy and strategic planning processes.

Since 2019 she has been developing research tasks in the field of Social Sciences at the Pablo de Olavide University, where she participated in work projects linked to the development of the Andalusian Urban Agenda, the Seville 2030 Strategic Plan and the Lucena 2015-2025 Strategic Plan, among others. Among his work experiences in public administrations, the Technical Advisory in the National Directorate of Planning and Monitoring of the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers (2020-2021) and the Coordination of content and cultural planning in the National Directorate of Cultural Research of the Ministry of Culture (2016-2018), both within the framework of the Argentine State, stand out.
