Politicians in Hard Times. Spanish and South European MPs Facing Citizens after the Great Recession
Las articulaciones de una participación. Una etnografía de la democracia directa en concejos abiertos vascos
Democratizing Candidates Selection. New Methods, Old Receipts?
The Selection of Politicians in Times of Crisis
The mobilising memory of the 15-M movement: recollections and sediments in Spanish protest culture
The rise of research on independence referendums
El parachutage en el Parlamento británico: una primera aproximación (2001-2019)
Why do central states accept holding independence referendums? Analyzing the role of state peripheries
The variety of decentralization indexes. A review of the literature
Tourist destination development and social network analysis: What does degree centrality contribute?
La movilización de los pensionistas en España como proceso de construcción y aprendizaje de una nueva identidad colectiva
Variegated Europeanization and urban policy: Dynamics of policy transfer in France, Italy, Spain and the UK
Real innovation in urban planning? Assessingthe institutional capacity in the frame of theintegrated sustainable urban developmentprogrammes
So close yet so far: intergovernmental tensions in Spain
Between justice and politics: the role of the Spanish Constitutional Court in the state of autonomies
Un mouvement de défense des retraites victorieux ? La mobilisation des retraités espagnols en 2018
Entre alternance et droitisation: les élections autonomiques du 2 décembre 2018 en Andalousie
The perfect storm? How to explain the rise of intergovernmental conflicts in Spain? (1984–2014)
Analizando la gobernanza urbana mediante la aplicación del análisis de redes sociales (ARS): el caso del segundo plan estratégico de Málaga
Participatory Frustration: The Unintended Cultural Effect of Local Democratic Innovations
Causal Mechanisms of Social Participation: an Application to Urban Regeneration.
Destinations’ relational dynamic and tourism development
Social Mobility and Demand for Redistribution in Europe. A Comparative Analysis
The impact of social expenditure on health inequalities in Europe
Is Morocco EU’s model student at ENP? An analysis of democracy and human rights progress
Morocco at European Neighbourhood Policy: The settlement of a privileged relationship
La construcción del discurso de promoción de la democracia de la política europea de vecindad en la post-primavera árabe: los casos de Tunez y Marruecos
Las elecciones municipales de Túnez de mayo de 2018: contexto y lecturas
Bound by blood: the ethnic and civic nature of collective identities in the Basque Country, Catalonia and Valencia
Why is the Spanish Upper Chamber so Difficult to Reform?
The Survival of Spanish Provincial Governments in a Quasi-Federal Polity: Reframing the Debate
Resolving the socialdemocratic dilemma? Andalusia under pressure (2011-15)
Los procesos participativos como potenciadores de la democracia. Explorando los efectos, mecanismos y evidencias en la sociedad civil
Why is the Spanish senate so difficult to reform?
Los conflictos intergubernamentales entre España y Cataluña
Selecting Candidates in Multilevel Democracies
Urban Regeneration Policy from the Integrated Urban Development Model in the European Union: an Analytical Approach Based on the Study of Spanish Cities
¿Quién lidera y quién va a la zaga? Parlamentarias en los parlamentos autonómicos españoles
Enduring at the Top: Gender and political ambition of Spanish and Swedish MP’s
La décentralisation espagnole en temps de crise : une comparaison interrégionale des effets de la grande récession sur l’État des autonomies (2010-2014)
Collective Religiosity and the Gender Gap in Attitudes towards Economic Redistribution in 86 Countries, 1990-2008
Preferences for Tax Schemes in OECD Countries. Self-Interest and Ideology
Welfare State and Individual Expectations of Economic Support. A Comparison of Norway and Spain
The promise for democratic deepening: the effects of participatory processes in the interaction between civil society and local governments.
La institucionalización del análisis de políticas públicas en España: un campo dual
States of Convergence in Territorial Governance
Le début de la fin? Retour sur les élections andalouses du 22 mars 2015
Identifying with the Nation: Spain’s Left-Wing Citizens in an Age of Crisis.
Las huellas electorales del nacionalismo español. Identificación territorial y voto en los partidos políticos de ámbito estatal
El concepto de representación política en la Teoría de la democracia de Giovanni Sartori.
Las parlamentarias regionales en España: masa crítica, experiencia parlamentaria e influencia política
The institutionalisation of the European internal cross-border co-operation policy? A first appraisal
The Economic Crisis from Within: Evidence from Southern Europe. Special Issue
Elogio del gris
The effects of the crisis. Why Southern Europe?
Problemas y soluciones para la construcción de bases de datos de políticos
Juan J. Linz in memoriam
Beliefs about Social Fluidity and Preferences for Social Policies
Doble inconstitucionalidad de la Ley de racionalización y sostenibilidad de la Administración Local.
El pretendido blindaje autonómico de competencias municipales tras la reforma de la Administración Local.
Academic Cultures, Think Tanks, and the Evaluation of Excellence in Spain, the European Union, and the United States. A Symposium on Michèle Lamont’s How Professors Think
Métodos de imputación múltiple para predecir resultados electorales
Public Opinion and the Reform of the Pension Systems in Europe. The Effect of Solidarity Principles
Positive or Negative Policy Feedbacks? Explaining Popular Attitudes towards Pragmatic Pension Policy Reforms
La concertación en la formulación y desarrollo de las políticas de vivienda autonómicas y locales.
Capítulo de libro
It Is Not Just the Economy. How Spanish Established Political Elites Understand the (Political) Crisis and Its Effects
Construyendo una voz propia: Las movilizaciones de pensionistas en España en 2018
El cambio climático gana protagonismo en España
The Role of Subnational Governments in the Cities of Tomorrow. The Urban Agenda for Andalusia.
Unstable preferences and policy changes: Spain
Reaching the end of the Tunisian consensus: disaffection and pending challenges
The European Neighbourhood Policy in the Maghreb: a global view through the cases of Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco
The Sociopolitical Profile of Parliamentary Representatives in Greece, Italy and Spain Before and After the Eurocrisis. A Comparative Empirical Assessment
New parties and new ways of candidate selection in Spain
Élites políticas en España ¿Convergencia o divergencia con la sociedad?
MPs of traditional parties’ perceptions on candidate selection in times of political crisis and reform