Beatriz Carrasco Ariza

Beatriz Carrasco ( has a degree in Sociology from the Pablo de
Olavide University (2017) and an Agent for Equal Opportunities between
Women and Men (2019) from the same University. She has competences and
skills in design, planning and management of international and regional
research (I+D+I, Junta de Andalucía, FEDER, Research Plan Projects, etc.), and
she has participated and collaborated in several national and international
projects funded by MINECO such as CIUPARCRI or Horizonte2019. Her skills has
focus in conducting fieldwork and computer-assisted analysis of results
(quantitative and qualitative) and a wide range of training in various fields,
especially gender and social research, and the use of various programmes for
the analysis of results such as SPSS, STATA or NVivo.