Manuel Jiménez Sánchez

Manuel Jiménez Sánchez is Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University Pablo de Olavide of Seville. He holds a PhD in political science (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) and is doctor member of the Juan March Institute (Madrid). He has taught at the Universidad Autonóma in Madrid and the Universidad Carlos III, and has been regional visiting fellow at Cornell Institute for European Studies. His research interests focus on political participation and social movements. He has published the books El impacto político de los movimientos sociales. Un estudio de la protesta ambiental en España (2005, Madrid: CIS) and La normalización de la protesta: el caso de las manifestaciones en España (2011, Madrid, CIS). He has recently published articles in South European Society and Politics (2007; 2015), American Behavioral Scientist (2008), Revista Internacional de Sociología (2010; 2015), Journal of Civil Society (2016), Revista de Estudios Políticos (2017).


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