Raúl Álvarez

Raúl Álvarez Pérez, collaborating professor of the Department of Social Work and Social Services of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Pablo de Olavide University of Seville. Diplomate in Social Work by the University of Seville and Degree in Sociology by the University Pablo de Olavide. Official Master in Social Problems by the UNED and Master in Gerontology by the University of Salamanca. Currently finishing his doctoral thesis at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid on “La participación política de las personas mayores y el efecto de la edad y el reemplazo generacional en la España democrática”.  Her teaching focuses on subjects related to applied social policies, social work, dependency and gerontological social services. For the last 7 years he has been dedicated exclusively to teaching and research, although he previously worked for 15 years as a social worker in public and private resources for the elderly of various kinds. His three main lines of research revolve around the organizational models of social services in rural areas, political participation of the elderly and women and drug addiction in prison. In 2011 he was awarded by the Spanish Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology the "Salgado Alba" prize for the best communication in the field of social sciences.

He can be contacted at: ralvper@upo.es