Xavier Coller Porta

Xavier Coller, journalist and sociologist, is PhD in Sociology (Yale University). He has taught in several universities in Europe and the US and has been visiting fellow at Warwick University (UK), University of California (Berkeley), Yale, Harvard, Georgetown, Université de Montpellier 1, and LUISS. He is the Seventh Prince of Asturias Chair, Georgetown University (2005-07), Professor of Sociology at the Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Seville, Spain), director of the research group Democracy and Autonomies: Society and Politics and correspondent in Spain of the Comparative Candidate Survey. He has authored over hundred works on social theories, research methods, collective identities, political elites, and complex organizations. His areas of expertise are organizations (parties, multinationals) and political sociology (political elites, nationalism).  His last books are Canon sociológico (Madrid: Tecnos, 2003), Análisis de organizaciones (Madrid: CIS, 2004, with Roberto Garvía), El poder político en España: Parlamentarios y ciudadanía (CIS 2016, edited with Antonio M. Jaime and Fabiola Mota, also published by Palgrave in 2018), The Selection of Politicians in Times of Crisis (edited with Guillermo Cordero and Antonio Jaime-Castillo, London: Routledge 2018), and Democratizing Candidates Selection. New Methods, Old Receipts? (edited with Guillermo Cordero, London: Palgrave 2018). More information: https://upo.academia.edu/xavierColler


Phone number: +34 658920897

E-mail: xaviercoller@upo.esxaviercoller@poli.uned.esxcoller@gmail.com



