Rafael Merinero Rodríguez

Doctorate with a European mention from the University of Seville and Master in European Union from the National University of Distance Education (UNED). He is a professor in the Sociology Department in the University of Pablo de Olavide in Seville where he teaches the courses of Political Sociology and Public Policy Analysis and Evaluation.

He has done research internships in the Sustainable Tourism Observatory from the Political Economy Department in the University of Siena, in the Institute of Social Sciences from the University of Lisbon and in the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies from the Polytechnic of Milan.

His line of research is focused on the analysis of governance systems in the field of public policy of urban development and tourism. He participates, or has participated, in research projects that are competitive in Andalusia, Spain and the European Union: “The governance in metropolitan areas in Andalusia: challenges for the development of the strategic model” (FEDER-UPO); “Social-territorial Dynamics in the Spanish Metropolitan Areas: Structural processes and climate change” (R&D project from the Ministry of Science and Innovation); “Metropolitan Governance in Spain: Institutionalizations and models (R&D project from the Ministry of Science and Innovation)”; “Urban Policy, social-economic change and innovation” (R&D project from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness); “The cultural dynamic from the cities. Analytical and methodological approach for its measurement and comparative analysis” (R&D project from the Ministry of Science and Innovation); “Strategic territorial planning as an instrument of good governance and social-economic development of the territories in the Strait” (European Union, Cross-border Cooperation Program from Spanish Foreign Borders, POCTEFEX); “Urban Regeneration and Social Cohesion in Andalusia” (R&D Project, Department of Development and Housing from the Junta of Andalusia); “Determination of the basic principles of evaluability of urban-cultural destinations’ management system” (Department of Tourism, Commerce and Sports from the Junta of Andalusia); “Elaboration of an Evaluability Model of the Touristic Plans and Initiatives for the Strategy of a Sustainable Tourism in Andalusia” (Department of Tourism, Commerce and Sports from the Junta of Andalusia).

He has also been responsible for more than twenty research contracts with different public administrations for the provision of technical assistance services in terms of public policy, where his coordination works for the elaboration of the Urban Agenda of Andalusia for the Department of Development, Infraestructures and Territory Planning from the Junta of Andalusia and the Urban Agenda of Euskadi (Bultzatu 2050) for the Basque Country can be highlighted.

The results of his research work have been published in journals such as Tourism Management, Local Government Studies; REIS (Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas); Journal of Destination Marketing & Management; Revista de Estudios Políticos; Ciudad y Territorio, Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles; and in the publishing houses of Springer, Síntesis and Catarata.


Email: rmerrod@upo.es