Urban regeneration and scenes change. Towards a policy approach of cultural scenes

Congress: International Conference on Urban Regeneration and Scenes Dynamics. (The Seoul Institute and Institute of Urban Sciences, The University of Seoul, 23, June, 2017)

Abstract: The cultural scenes approach has produce cumulative evidences about their influence on different aspects of urban life (population growth, income, migration, political attitudes, cultural consumption,…). However, less research has been done about the origins and change of cultural scenes. After a brief presentation about the role of cultural scenes in Spanish urban change, the effect of urban regeneration projects on scenes will be shown. The presentation proposes an analytical framework to show the importance of neighborhood context, as well as the policy frame of regeneration initiatives in order to explain the change of neighborhood scenes. The impact of urban regeneration projects on scenes change is empirically analyzed applying a quasi-experimental approach. Those are some basic elements in order to develop a policy approach for cultural scenes.

Autoría: Clemente J. Navarro