Analizando los diagnósticos de los Programas de Regeneración Urbana: la relación entre los problemas y objetivos de los proyectos con la situación de vulnerabilidad de las zonas de intervención.

Congress: VI Congreso de la Red Española de Políticas Sociales.(Seville. February, 16-17, 2017)

Abstract: Desing’s evaluation is one of the challenges of evaluating intervention programs on vulnerable áreas. That is to say, if the proposed objectives and actions are related to the vulnerabilities and needs described in the projects, with the diagnosis of each area under intervention. However, the analysis of the diagnosis offers the possibility of knowing also if the problems and vulnerabilities indicated for each area correspond to the vulnerabilities existing in the same area, which would account for the external coherence of the programs. This aspect has been little discussed in the analyzes of programs and plans in general, and of urban regeneration in particular, despite the fact that diagnosis is a central element in their design. The objective of this study is to analyze whether the diagnoses of the intervention areas contained in the different projects analyzed correspond to the vulnerability of these areas.

Autoría: María Jesús Rodríguez García y Enrique Pastor Seller