The catalogue shows some basic information in order to characterize integral urban development projects analyzed in the framework of the URBAN IMPACTS project. These are projects developed in the framework of URBAN I, URBAN II and URBANA Initiatives from 1994 to 2013 in Spain. Only projects in cities up to 10.000 inhabitants and capitals of provinces have been included.
In addition to a map identifying the urban are covered by projects, some indexes show information about the main characteristic of their urban area and their socio-economic composition, as well as the main characteristics of projects portfolios.
The catalogue offers indexes for each project and comparative analysis as regards the average of projects included in the same program (URBAN I, URBAN II, and URBANA), the type of neighbourhood (historic centre vs. neighbourhoods), and all projects included in the catalogue.
More information about methodology used to define urban areas and indexes could be found in:
Fernández-García, M., Navarro-Yáñez, C. J., Zapata Moya, Á. R., & Mateos Mora, C. (2018). El análisis de la desigualdad urbana. Propuesta y validación de un índice de nivel socio-económico en áreas urbanas españolas (1991-2001). Empiria. Revista de Metodología de Ciencias Sociales2, 29.
Navarro, C.J.; Rodríguez-García, M.J. y Gómez, I. (2019) :The agenda for integral urban development in Spain (1994-2013). Anduli. Revista Andaluza de Ciencias Sociales.