

Since the 1990s, the European Union has launched comprehensive programs and initiatives that promote integrated urban development, the goal being improved urban development, in general, and a reduction of socio spatial inequalities in cities, in particular. The policies generated as a result of these programs and initiatives have shaped a European strategy that promotes integrated urban development, the so-called “urban agenda”. But, what in fact is the agenda that has been promoted by these initiatives during the last two decades? And, what are the experiences that would help define an urban agenda for Spanish cities? This article presents a basic analysis to respond to these questions, analyzing projects done in the framework of URBAN and URBANA programs in Spain (1994-2013).

Posted by Manuel Fernandez in News, Papers
How to analyze territorial governance?

How to analyze territorial governance?

The book ‘Bienestar social y políticas públicas’, edited by Germán Jaráiz join up a broad approach about social policy in the current context of crisis, as well as some potential solutions to develop a more social inclusive future.

The chapter ‘Exploraciones sobre la gobernanza local: actores, oportunidades y ‘estrategias adaptativas’, by Clemente J. Navarro (UGL-CSPL researcher) includes some analytical elements about this question. This chapter presents some results of the research agenda on governance and territorial development based on the application of ‘social mechamisms’ proposed by the analytical sociology perspective.

The full text is available at the following address:

Posted by Alicia Dominguez in News

Urban regeneration objectives in Spain (1991-2013)

URBAN IMPACTS Project analyzes the objectives of urban regeneration projects developed in the framework of URBAN and URBANA Initiatives in Spanish municipalities (1994-2013). Urban habitat improvement has been the most important, as well as economic development and social cohesion. Environmental and governances issues have gradually gained importance.

This information has been obtained by applying a new methodology for the analysis and evaluation of urban policies developed in the framework of research line about governance and multi-level policies.

Objectives: importance of public policy areas

los objetivos de la regeneración urbana en España

Posted by Alicia Dominguez in News
Published article “El Análisis de la Desigualdad Urbana Propuesta y validación de un índice de nivel socioeconómico en áreas urbanas españolas (1991-2001)”

Published article “El Análisis de la Desigualdad Urbana Propuesta y validación de un índice de nivel socioeconómico en áreas urbanas españolas (1991-2001)”

Researchers from the Centro de Sociología y Políticas Locales Manuel Fernández, Clemente Navarro, Ángel Zapata and Cristina Mateo have published an article in the January issue of the journal Empiria in which they make a contribution to the analysis of urban inequality through the Continue reading →

Posted by Alicia Dominguez in News