Estructura de gobernanza en los sistemas locales de bienestar en España: una aproximación a partir del diseño de los programas de regeneración urbana.

Congress: Red Española de Políticas Sociales. (Seville. February, 16-17, 2017)

Abstract: The study of the different actors that act in the territory, their alliances and networks of collaboration and their forms of participation in different phases of the policy making process allows to analyze differences of the local welfare systems. This is to explore the governance structure that underlies political decision-making and institutional and civic action strategies.

Although it is difficult to have extensive data at the municipal or local level for the comparative analysis, in this case we have the information of the URBAN_IMPACTS project in Spain.

Specifically, a tool has been developed to analyze the content of these programs, which allows the evaluation of the involvement of different actors in the design, implementation and follow-up of intervention projects.

The aim of this study is to compare local welfare systems based on the design of urban regeneration programs in different contexts of vulnerability, more specifically, through the role of different actors, their forms of collaboration and strategies of action, to achieve Of the objectives contained in the intervention plans and programs.

Autoría: María Rosa Herrera-Gutiérrez, María Jesús Rodríguez-García, Enrique Pastor Seller.