LA DIMENSIÓN CULTURAL DEL BIENESTAR LOCAL: El impacto de las políticas de regeneración urbana y las escenas culturales de los barrios

Congress: VI Congreso Red Española de Políticas Sociales (REPS). (Sevilla. 16-17 de Febrero de 2017)

Abstract: Culture has been recognized as a dimension of well-being, along with housing, employment, education and health. In fact, it has been a policy that increasingly assumes a presence on the agenda of municipal governments, as one aspect of the substantive dimension of local wellness. Urban regeneration policies or initiatives are one of the instruments commonly used to deploy local welfare systems.

These initiatives seek to influence opportunities that the environment offers to the inhabitants of the neighborhoods in which they develop. Given their comprehensive nature, they can have an effect on different aspects of local well-being, including those which  refer to its cultural dimension, and in particular, its effect on the creation of different types of cultural scenes, these being understood as different structures of opportunities for the development of different lifestyles and cultural practices.

Using a quasi-experimental approach, this paper aims to analyze the impact that urban regeneration processes have on the cultural dimension of well- being and how the change in the orientation has been different in neighborhoods where such initiatives have been implemented and those where they have not.


Autoría: Cristina Mateos