Urban Governace from below: does urban regenaration promote co-production? Area-based policies and residents´trust on professionals

Congress: 14th International Conference on Urban Health. (Coimbra, Portugal, 26-29 September 2017)

Abstract: Area-based interventions could improve coproduction processes between professionals and clients, as a specific kind of governance process. These policies, based on integral interventions in specific urban areas, could improve the interactions and trust necessary for promoting coproduction processes. This paper tries to show the impact of this kind of initiatives on residents’ trust regarding the professionals who provide services in the neighborhoods

A quasi-experimental design through experimental and control districts (33) in Andalusian cities and interviews (5679) among its residents are applied. The levels of urban vulnerability are controlled before the intervention begins, although urban regeneration processes have been applied in the experimental neighborhoods for the last 10 years.

Multi-level hierarchical models are carried out considering the technicians as a dependent variable, including individual (gender, socioeconomic level, etc.) and contextual (level of vulnerability) controls. The interactive effect between neighborhood types and the degree of exposure to services are included measuring the intervention, together with the interactive effect between them.

The results show that exposure to services involves a higher level of confidence towards technicians, which is reinforced in experimental neighborhoods (the cross-level effect between an experimental neighborhood and its exposure level is positive).

This would imply that the provision of services through intervention programs in neighborhoods, as opposed to the provision of services in neighborhoods from a sectoral perspective, generates favorable conditions for the development of co-production processes, and with it, of the possible success of the intervention processes. The integral character of the intervention, its continuity and the location of technicians in the neighborhood, favor the processes of daily interaction with users who favor the development relationships based on trust.

Autoría: Cristina Mateos; Clemente J. Navarro; María Jesús Rodríguez y María Rosa Herrera