The Universidad Pablo de Olavide is looking for a full-time researcher who has not obtained the Ph.D. before 1 December 2015 to undertake archival research in Seville, Spain in the framework of ERC CoG 648535.  The initial one-year contract may be renewed, upon favourable assessment and according to the Project’s needs, for up to four additional years (Anexo II.C de la Convocatoria en BOJA).

The Universidad Pablo de Olavide is seeking a full-time information systems’ analyst and computer programmer to design ArtEmpire’s database in collaboration with the Principal Investigator, oversee its maintenance, and develop related web applications (Anexo II.B de la Convocatoria en BOJA).

The Universidad Pablo de Olavide is accepting applications for a part-time project manager to administer ERC CoG 648535, managing expenses, communications, events and publicity (Anexo II.A de la Convocatoria en BOJA)