Welcome to the web page of the R&D+I Project “Ruins, Looting and Interventions for Cultural Heritage” (Ruinas, expolios e intervenciones en el patrimonio cultural, UPO-1264180 reference), founded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Andalusian Regional Department of Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities (Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades) of the Andalusian Regional Government, within the Andalusia ERDF 2014-20 Operational Programme (specific objective 1.2.3. «Promotion and generation of border knowledge and knowledge-oriented to societal challenges, development of emerging technologies», ERDF 80% co-financing percentage).
The project has as its objective to continue the work started in earlier projects and further analyse the efficiency of cultural heritage protection regulations, particularly in the light of the evident dissension that exists between professional jurists and cultural heritage managers regarding the role of such regulations.
The team working on the project is unique insofar that it brings together jurists specialized in heritage, architects, archaeologists and art historians, thus combining the practical experience of professionals involved in the sector with academic insights into heritage policy.
This phase addresses two fields of research: ruins and the looting of cultural assets.
With regards to ruins, we will explore castles and Andalusian defensive architecture either destroyed or/and restored in order to evaluate whether the regulations and restoration criteria are suitably applied for their preservation and protection.
Concerning the looting of cultural heritage goods, we will focus similarly on the adequacy of regulations in two geographical areas: Andalusia and Latin American.