COASTGAP - Coastal Governance and Adaptation Policies in the Mediterranean

Investigador/a: Fátima Navas Concha
Convocatoria: MED Programme - Capitalization projects 2012
Presupuesto: 1,360,000.00 €
Presupuesto UPO: 85,000.00 €
Duración: 1/07/2013- 31/12/2014


COASTGAP aims to capitalize Best Practices concerning adaptation and governance policies of the Mediterranean coastal zones regarding CC effects and other natural/anthropogenic threats. COASTGAP comes from the cluster FACECOAST that gathers 14 projects from SPACE MED and other European programmes. To feed next programming period 2014-2020 with an operational and coherent thematic strategy, COASTGAP aims as well to design and prepare to launch the Macro-Project “BEACHMED-3”.

Official integration of the Guidelines in the EIA/SEA procedures of competent MED coastal Administrations. To create a suitable and common toolbox for MED coastal management through the customisation, transfer and adoption of the selected operational BPs for the protection/planning of coastal zone to the MED Public Administrations dealing/competent (policy makers) with coastal management.