My name is David Crespo Durán and I have taken part in the PICESL project.
  • What is your background and how did you get involved in the project?

I am studying a join degree in social work and social education, and I have taken part in an Erasmus+ project in Craiova called “School 4 future” and its main theme was about preveting students to drop out school.

  • How was your experience of the online course and the in person training?

On the one hand, in the online part I have learnt a lot of things about early school leaving, like the diversity of students and families, the damage that might have bullying and cyberbullying in children and how teachers should adapt their lessons to different kind of students, among others.

On the other hand, in the person training I have met different poni of views of the theme, problems about early chool leaving in other countries and the strategies of these countries to prevent it.

  • Did you find a favourite topic and why?

What I like the most was when we talked about bullying and cyberbulling because I have realised that some children do not realise the damage they do to the ones they attack. Besides, we should take care of the victim, but it is indispensable to look after the responsible because at the end of the day they are just children who probably have some problems at their homes.

  • Can you see yourself using any new practices or changing anything?

When I start working, I think that I might use some strategies that I learnt in the course. Moreover, this experience has made me be more see that we have a lot of work to do and we have to keep on trying harder in order reduce to the minimum the percentage of early school leaving.

  • Did anything surprise you about the topics or participants?

What surprises me the most is that in every country boys are more likely to abandon school than girls and there are higher percentage of early shool leaving in the regions of the south.