Application of Multivariate Techniques to Spanish Banking Sector: The Case of Entities Affected by Restructuring (2008-2009)


  • Antonio Somoza López Departamento de Contabilidad. Facultad de Economía y Empresa Universidad de Barcelona (España)



Sector financiero, crisis, técnicas multivariantes, financial sector, multivariate techniques


This study aims to analyze the Spanish financial entities that were bailout by the European Union with the main objective to discern the different characteristics among them and find out the reasons why in some cases some of them were merged, in other were taken over and in the most problematic cases, needed public funds. Although most of them were saving banks, this paper is not limited to them as the process also affected some banks. The main question is if the financial and accounting information should have been relevant in order to determine the ending situation. However, the results lead to a different conclusion. Applying some statistical techniques (ANOVA, principal component analysis and cluster), the results show that it is not possible to group those entities by common characteristics and, therefore, the information used in this research has not been crucial for the subsequent development of these institutions.


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How to Cite

Somoza López, A. (2016). Application of Multivariate Techniques to Spanish Banking Sector: The Case of Entities Affected by Restructuring (2008-2009). Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration, 19, Paginas 66 a 100.


