Construction and validation of an instrument to characterize the level of innovation in healthcare institutions




innovation, innovation radar, innovation in health, healthcare institutions, validation instruments of measure


The research aims to develop and validate an instrument to characterize the impact level, in the healthcare institutions, of the application of the four essential dimensions of the Radar of innovation: the offers of the institution (what?), the clients (who?), the processes (how?) and the points of presence (where?).

A mixed exploratory study was chosen. Through the bibliographic review and the discussion with a panel of 11 experts, the content of the instrument of 49 items was constructed and approved on a 5-point Likert scale to characterize the use of innovation in the healthcare institutions; the construct and reliability were validated by applying a pilot test to 33 participants and the study of the results obtained for each of the dimensions of the innovation radar was carried out using exploratory factor analysis (AFE) and Cronbach's alpha.

The research proposes an instrument whose content and construct were validated for the final factorial structure composed of 43 items, included in 13 factors or criteria; through statistical analysis, high reliability is demonstrated for the four dimensions proposed by the Radar of innovation.


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How to Cite

Chavarria Chavarria, T. M., & Pulgarín Molina, S. A. (2020). Construction and validation of an instrument to characterize the level of innovation in healthcare institutions. Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration, 30, 258–278.


