Marbles and splendor in the imperial palaces at the Palatine hill transformation of the architectural language and use of coloured marbles


  • Patrizio Pensabene Università di Roma
  • Francesca Caprioli Università di Roma


The language of architectural decoration, period between Nero and Domitian, marble use, splendor, “imperial marbles”


With this contribution we want to highlight the relationships between the Neronian and the Flavian periods in Rome in the field of architectural language. From our works it emerged that after the Neronian fire that led to intense building activity in Rome, new trends emerged in the field of architectural sculpture: in particular, a greater use of chiaroscuro obtained with a drill and a more intense effects of light while not neglecting the search for plastic and, if possible, naturalistic effects. To illustrate what has been said, we have reproduced some capitals of the Domus Aurea. In the Flavian age and above all the Domitian period, in accordance with the
vision of the power that this emperor had, a new architectural style was created in Rome that summarizes what was already emerging in the Neronian age. We have therefore analyzed some elements such as capitals and cornices in order to better highlight this assumption. In the study of the two periods we were able to underline the importance of the Vespasian period which is well documented by the monuments of Tarragona and then of Rieti, where the emperor was born, as it testifies to an important phase in which new stylistic instances are affirmed, which overcome, by synthesizing and passing on the experiences of the past in new formulas.
We also briefly dealt with the theme of the color of marble in the columns and wall coverings. The wider and more varied use of colored marbles also led to a search for new quarries, especially in Egypt, and also the emergence of a new aesthetics based on the experience of the past.


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How to Cite

Pensabene, P., & Caprioli, F. (2023). Marbles and splendor in the imperial palaces at the Palatine hill transformation of the architectural language and use of coloured marbles. ROMULA, (19), 165–200. Retrieved from


