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Publicaciones por "Rodríguez García"

Urban Policies in the Framework of the 2030 Agenda: Balance and Perspectives in Spain. The Case of Seville

Gañán-Sánchez, E., Huete-García-M.A., Merinero-Rodríguez, R. (2023), pp: 127-148 . En Huete-García, M.A., Rodríguez-Miranda, A., Ugalde,V., Merinero-Rodríguez, R. (2023): Urban Policy in the Framework of the 2030 Agenda. Balance and Perspectives from Latin America and Europe. Springer, Cham. 2023

Urban Policy in the Framework of the 2030 Agenda. Balance and Perspectives from Latin America and Europe

Huete-García, M.A., Rodríguez-Miranda, A., Ugalde,V., Merinero-Rodríguez, R. (2023). Springer, Cham. 2023

Urban development strategies in the EU: the relationship between the procedural and substantive dimensions, Regional Studies

Huete-García, M.A, Pazos-Vidal, S. y Merinero-Rodríguez, R. (2023),

El aprendizaje dual: innovación en la adquisición de competencias profesionales sobre análisis y evaluación de políticas urbanas a través de las prácticas externas curriculares

Guerrero-Mayo, M.J, Dominguez-González, A., Donati, F., Rodríguez-García, M.J. y Navarro, C.J. (2022). Octaedro

Policy Evidence About the Added Value of EU-Integrated Urban Initiatives as Local Policy Mixes

Navarro, C.J.; Rodríguez-García M.J. y Guerrero-Mayo, M.J. (2023). En Navarro, C.J.; Rodríguez-García M.J. y Guerrero-Mayo, M.J. (editores). EU Integrated Urban Initiatives Policy Learning and Quality of Life Impacts in Spain. Editorial: PALGRAVE Macmillan. pp.193-210.

The integrated strategy as urban policy innovation proposed by the EU: do cities apply it?

Pastor Seller, E., Dorado-Rubín, M.J.; Guerrero-Mayo, M.J. y Navarro, C.J. (2023). En Navarro, C.J.; Rodríguez-García M.J. y Guerrero-Mayo, M.J. (editores). EU Integrated Urban Initiatives Policy Learning and Quality of Life Impacts in Spain. Editorial: PALGRAVE Macmillan. pp 77-89

Evaluating the design of integrated urban development strategies: evaluability, plan quality and planning learning processes

Guerrero-Mayo, M.J. y Rodríguez-García (2023). En Navarro, C.J.; Rodríguez-García M.J. y Guerrero-Mayo, M.J. (editores). EU Integrated Urban Initiatives Policy Learning and Quality of Life Impacts in Spain. Editorial: PALGRAVE Macmillan. pp 47-61.

The nature and the policy added value of EU urban sustainable and integrated initiatives: research issues and strategies

Rodríguez-García, M.J. Navarro, C.J. and Guerrero-Mayo, M.J. (2023). En Navarro, C.J.; Rodríguez-García M.J. y Guerrero-Mayo, M.J. (editores). EU Integrated Urban Initiatives Policy Learning and Quality of Life Impacts in Spain. Editorial: PALGRAVE Macmillan. pp 33-46

EU Integrated Urban Initiatives Policy Learning and Quality of Life Impacts in Spain

Navarro, C.J.; Rodríguez-García M.J. y Guerrero-Mayo, M.J. (editores) (2023). Editorial: PALGRAVE Macmillan.