Since last December, Pablo de Olavide University (UPO) has been carrying out a diagnosis that sheds light on how aligned our university is with the Sustainable Development Goals agreed at an international level within the UN in 2015.
To this end, a consulting firm, Periferia, who oversees the process and returning the results into exploitable data, is accompanying us.
This process is linked to 2 projects, one funded by AACID and the other by EU Commission Erasmus+, jointly led by the International Relations and Cooperation Area and by the Rector’s Delegation for the Sustainable Campus. Other UPO bodies that are actively collaborating in this process are the General Directorate for Social Innovation, the CRAI Library and the Delegation of the Rector for Gender Equality, as well as a group of multidisciplinary teachers from fields as diverse as Economics, Sociology, Pedagogy and Education.
The diagnosis has resulted in the design of 85 indicators linked to the 17 SDGs, since the agenda has been comprehensively addressed as recommended by the UN. As expected, SDGs 4 and 5, linked to access to Quality Education and Gender Equality, have turned out to be the bases of the alignment of the UPO to the 2030 Agenda, closely followed by the SDGs related to environmental sustainability.
To collect all the data, reports and information published on the web have been consulted mainly, although in more than half of the indicators it has been necessary to consult various areas such as HR PDI and PAS, Quality Area, Infrastructure Area, Maintenance and Energy Efficiency, Scholarships and Grants, etc. Whom we thank for their collaboration.
The final diagnosis was published at the end of May, along with a SWOT analysis of the process. These documents will give us the bases from which to start to design an UPO Action Plan for compliance with the 2030 Agenda, which will be outlined during the 2023-24 academic year.
At this time, 3 courses are also being designed, one per community (PAS, PDI and student body) to be held between October 2023 and February 2024, in order to facilitate the participation and contribution of the university community to the collective Action Plan that will unfold.
To read the 2030 AGENDA COMPLIANCE DIAGNOSIS of UPO please refer to the “Project Outputs” section of the website.
Stay tuned for the next news!