El programa de verano "Amgen Scholars Programme" de la Universidad Ludwig-Maximilians oferta más de 20 prácticas de investigación en laboratorios especializados en Bioquímica Estructural y Molecular, Biología Celular y del Desarrollo, Neurobiología Celular y Computacional y Fisiología dentro del campus de Ciencias de la Vida de Grosshadern-Martinsried de esta Universidad. Para más información ver los siguiente correo:

Dear Colleague,

I am the coordinator of the LMU Amgen Scholars Programme - an undergraduate summer research program in science and biotechnology, supported by the Amgen Foundation.
Every year, this initiative provides hundreds of selected undergraduates with the opportunity to engage in a hands-on research experience at many of the world's premier educational institutions in Europe, Japan and the US. Among these are five European universities and institutes.
I would be very grateful if you could forward the email below to undergraduate students in your faculty/institute.

Thank you in advance for your kind support!

Raluca Deac

Dr. Raluca Deac
LMU Amgen Scholars Programme Director
Munich Center for Neurosciences - Brain & Mind
LMU Munich - BioCenter
Großhadernerstr. 2
D-82152 Planegg-Martinsried
Tel: +49 (0)89 2180-74333,


Dear students,

The 2016 Amgen Scholars Europe Programme application period is now open!
What is the Amgen Scholars Programme? It provides selected undergraduate students with the opportunity to engage in a hands-on research experience at some of Europe's leading educational institutions.
As Amgen Scholars, students have the opportunity to:
• Take part in important university research projects, gain hands-on lab experience, and contribute to the advancement of science;
• Interact with and receive guidance from faculty mentors, including some of Europe's top academic scientists; and
• Participate in engaging scientific seminars, workshops, and other networking events.
Currently, five universities in Europe host the summer research programme, but students from Europe also have the opportunity to apply to the Amgen Scholars Japan Programme.
While each host university has its own application process, the application deadline for all of the EU host universities is February 1st, 2016. Lingua franca for all programmes is English.

More details at and