Artificial intelligence applied to the preventive conservation of heritage buildings

Guide to using the tool

The Art-Risk model in its third version provides three output results:

1) Vulnerability: value between 22.79 and 92.80. The lower value indicates less vulnerability of the building.
2) Risk: value between 10.50 and 86.44. The lower value indicates lower risk for the building.
3) Functionality Index: value between 83.04 and 11.02. The the higher value indicates better building functionality.

Thus, if you have, for example, several buildings that to be managed, the different valuations obtained allow establish a level of priorities on what would be the first or first buildings in which intervention should first take place.

The third version of Art-Risk has 19 input variables. If the building is located in Spain, five of these variables can be assigned automatically based on the geographical location of the building. To do so, the user must enter the geographic coordinates of the building in WGS84 (EPSG:4326) format. The other 14 input variables must be entered manually by the user. In case the building is located outside Spain, the user must manually enter the 19 input variables.

The description of each and every variable, as well as its possible values are listed below. For a more detailed user manual of the tool, please click this link.


AR1 - Geotechnics (Automatic variable - GIS maps)

(According to criteria of the Map of conditions for the construction of the Spanish IGME.)

1. Very favourable

2. Favourable

3. Acceptable

4. Unfavourable

5. Very Unfavourable

AR2 - Built environment (Manual variable - expert valuation)

1. Completely exempt

2. Landscaping exempt

3. Between simple partitions

4. Between complex partitions

5. Between walls very complex

AR3 - Construction system (Manual variable - expert assessment)

1. Very homogeneous construction system

2. Homogeneous construction system

3. Heterogeneous construction system

4. Construction system with complex frameworks

5. Construction system with a large number of complex structures

AR4 - Population change (Manual variable - valuation by expert)

1. Growth greater than 15%

2. Variations between 0% and 15%

3. Variations between -5% and 0%

4. Decreases between -10% and -5%

5. Population decreases below -10%

AR5 - Asset value (Manual variable - expert valuation)

1. Very high, under protection regulations

2. High, building over 100 years old

3. Medium construction quality

4. Low, poor building quality

5. Very low, with no historical or artistic interest

AR6 - Movable value (Manual variable - expert valuation)

1. High value of the building's interior furnishings

2. High movable goods value

3. Movable goods of average value

4. Low-value movable goods

5. Very low value of the building's interior furniture

AR7 - Occupation (Manual variable - expert valuation)

1. Very high (inhabited building)

2. High level of activities inside the building

3. Medium level of activities inside the building

4. Low level of activities inside the building

5. Building with no activity

AR8 - Maintenance

1. Maintenance plan, scheduled short/medium-term activities and staff in charge

2. Maintenance plan, scheduled activities in the medium/short term, no staff in charge

3. Maintenance plan exists, no short/medium term actions and no staff in charge

4. No Maintenance Plan, no short/medium term actions and no staff in charge

5. Building without resources for maintenance actions

AR9 - Design of covers (Manual variable - expert assessment)

1. Very fast water evacuation

2. Rapid water evacuation

3. Normal water evacuation

4. Slow water evacuation

5. Complex and slow water evacuation

AR10 - Preservation (Manual variable - expert valuation)

1. Optimal preservation

2. Normal preservation

3. Needs preservation

4. Needs significant preservation actions

5. Building in a state of abandonment

AR11 - Ventilation (Manual variable - expert valuation)

1. There is permanent natural cross ventilation in all spaces

2. There is natural cross ventilation in some spaces

3. There is natural cross ventilation in very few spaces

4. Sometimes there is natural cross ventilation when the building is in use

5. No cross ventilation under any circumstances

AR12 - Facilities (Manual variable - expert assessment)

1. All installations are in accordance with standards and in operation

2. Some installations are compliant and in operation

3. Some facilities are compliant and some are operating

4. Nothing is up to standard but some are working

5. The facilities are not up to standard and nothing is in operation

AR13 - Fire risk (Manual variable - expert assessment)

1. Non-combustible structure and low fire load

2. Non-combustible structure and half fire load

3. Combustible structure and low fire load

4. Combustible structure and half fire load

5. Combustible structure and high fire load

AR14 - Overloads in use (Manual variable - expert assessment)

1. Usage overloads are less than the original

2. Usage overloads are the same as the original

3. There are new usage overloads to the original

4. New overloads that cause a great additional weight

5. New usage overloads, e.g. spaces for warehouse use

AR15 – Structural changes (Manual variable - expert valuation)

1. No changes have been made

2. Small symmetrical and balanced modifications aimed at strengthening the original structure

3. Symmetrical and balanced modifications of great entity

4. Disorderly modifications of organic growth

5. Big changes without any kind of order

AR16 - Average Precipitation (Automatic Variable - GIS Maps)

(Average annual rainfall, data from the Spanish Meteorological Agency)

1. Precipitation less than 600 mm/m2

2. Precipitation between 600 and 750 mm/m2

3. Precipitation between 750 and 1000 mm/m2

4. Precipitation between 1000 and 1200 mm/m2

5. Precipitation greater than 1200 mm/m2

AR17 - Rain erosion (Variable automática - Mapas SIG)

Obtained from Road Instruction 5.2-IC. (MOPU 1990).
(The rainfall intensity coefficient has been taken into account, relating the precipitation fallen in one hour to the fall during 24 hours)

1. Minimal risk areas ( < 7 )

2. Low risk areas ( 7 - 8 )

3. Medium risk areas ( 8 - 9 )

4. High risk areas ( 9 - 10 )

5. Maximum risk zones ( > 10 )

AR18 - Thermal stress, temperature variation (Automatic variable - GIS maps)

1. Difference less than 6 Celsius degrees

2. Difference between 6 and 7 Celsius degrees

3. Difference between 7 and 8 Celsius degrees

4. Difference between 8 and 10 Celsius degrees

5. Difference between 10 and 12 Celsius degrees

AR19 - Frost (Automatic variable - GIS maps)

(Annual frost days, data from the Spanish Meteorological Agency)

1. Less than 10 frosty days a year

2. Between 10 and 20 frosty days a year

3. Between 20 and 80 days with frost per year

4. Between 80 and 125 days with frost per year

5. More than 125 days of frost per year

AR20 - Earthquake risk (assessed outside the Art-Risk 3 model)

(Acceleration values. Obtained from the seismic hazard map of the seismic-resistant standard NCSE-02)

1. Minimal risk areas ( < 0.04 g )

2. Low risk areas ( 0.04 g - 0.08 g )

3. Medium risk areas ( 0.08 g - 0.12 g )

4. High risk areas (0.12 g - 0.16 g)

5. Maximum risk zones ( > 0.16 g )

('g' is the acceleration of gravity)

AR21 - Flood risk (assessed outside the Art-Risk 3 model)

(The values have been defined according to the return period of floods in both riverbeds and coastal environments)

1. Minimal risk areas ( Not flooded )

2. Low risk areas ( Return period of 500 years )

3. Medium risk areas ( Return period of 100 years )

4. High risk areas ( Return period of 50 years )

5. Maximum risk zones ( Return period of 10 years )

It is recommended that the user first collects the values for each of the 14 "manual" input variables for each building to be evaluated, and then enters them in the Tool. In this way the user can write down the different results or functionality indexes obtained for each building, and thus establish a first guide on how to make decisions

The web interface is adapted for use on mobile devices with small screens (tablets and mobile phones). This makes it easier for evaluations of a building to be carried out in the field.

If you want more information about the Artificial Intelligence on which the tool is based or about the scientific project in general, please visit the official website of the Art-Risk project.