
AUIP-UPO call (2024-25)

Pablo de Olavide University, in collaboration with the Ibero-American Postgraduate University Association (AUIP), announces 10 scholarships for students with legal residence in countries other than Spain, and who are linked to Latin American universities associated with the AUIP. The scholarships are addressed to students who are interested in a full-time Official University Masters Degree for 2024-2025 academic year.

Amount of each Scholarship: 4,500 euros.

The scholarships cover the payment of full-time enrollment in a 60 ECTS credits Masters Degree. The remaining amount up to 4.500 euros will be paid to the recipient as established in the rules of the call.

The deadline to apply for the scholarship ends on April 3 at 11:59 p.m.

All information about the call is available at this link (This information is currently available only in Spanish).