About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration aims to be a useful mean of communication for all those who research on mathematical, statistical or econometric techniques and their possible applications in the world of business and economy.

Since its inception, the Journal has been published by professors in the Department of Economics, Quantitative Methods and Economic History at Pablo de Olavide University in Seville (Spain). A summary of the Journal most relevant features can be found below:

Contents and themes. It can be considered any unpublished and original article dealing with the statistical or mathematical applications to the field of business and economy. Pure research projects are also welcome as far as they can be applied in a practical way. The length of the articles will be between 10,000 and 15,000 words, including references and annexes.

Format. It is an electronic journal which seeks to take advantage of the Internet as the most efficient way of spreading scientific knowledge. It owns ISSN and Spanish Legal Deposit. 

Main objectives. One of the main purposes of the Journal is to disseminate scientific knowledge in the fastest possible way. It also helps the publication in Spanish or English of research projects which deserve diffusion and international acknowledgment. The Journal itself tries to be worthy of such recognition, requesting its inclusion in the most prestigious international databases (list available here) as well as in the Journal Citation Reports of the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI).

Peer Review Process

Each paper submitted to this Journal is revised firstly by the editors in order to check both its suitability to the Journal's contents and themes and the observance of the plagiarism policy.

Then, the paper will be evaluated according to a double-blind peer-review system. In this way, the editorial team will ask reviews to two different (national or international) experts on the paper subject concerned and not being members of the editorial team. They will evaluate it as soon as possible. Although there is no page limit for the papers, the most extensive ones will take longer to get the evaluation result. In case of disagreement between these two reviews, the editorial team may request an additional review by a third reviewer and this will be binding for making the decision about the paper.

According to the reviews, the editorial team will make a decision which will be communicated to the authors by e-mail, including the reviewers' comments and suggestions.

In case of being required a revised version of the paper in order to include the above-mentioned comments and suggestions, the authors will also be informed about the tentative date for its submission. The revised version will be evaluated by the same reviewers as the first time. In case of minor changes, this evaluation may be performed by the editorial team.

Finally, after acceptance, the papers will be scheduled to be published according to the editorial team's opinion. Authors will take an active part in the revision of galley proofs before publication.

Publication Frequency

The Journal is a biannual publication, being published two volumes a year. A new volume is available in the first two weeks of June and of December every year.

Open Access Policy

The Journal provides all its contents according to an open access policy in accordance with the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI). Therefore, all its contents is available under the principle of free availability of research to the audience, which involves both better worldwide dissemination for research in the Journal and greater exchange of knowledge. In this way, no subscription is required to read, download, copy, print, search or link the full-texts of the articles published in the Journal.

Interoperability policy

The Journal provides an interface OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative – Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) which enables other portals and information services to access the metadata of the contents published and which is available at https://www.upo.es/revistas/index.php/RevMetCuant/oai.

The data of the articles published in the journal are available for data mining processes via the use of APIs. The technical documentation can be consulted at https://docs.pkp.sfu.ca/dev/api/. If you wish to obtain the API key, contact the journal’s technical support at publicaciones@upo.es.

Gender equality editorial practices

The Journal recommends including the perspective of gender in all the research published, both in the research design and the writing of the articles when this is relevant. 

For an appropriate transfer of knowledge, orientations are proposed for the use of inclusive language as to the gender in Spanish, following the United Nations’ indications in the matter (https://www.un.org/es/gender-inclusive-language/guidelines.shtml)


Editorial team

  • Dr. Francisco Javier Blancas Peral
    Profesor Titular de Universidad
    Departamento de Economía, Métodos Cuantitativos e Historia Económica
    Universidad Pablo de Olavide - Seville (Spain)
    Telephone number: +34 954 349279
    Fax number: +34 954 349339
    E-mail address: fjblaper@upo.es

  • Dra. Macarena Lozano Oyola
    Profesora Titular de Universidad
    Departamento de Economía, Métodos Cuantitativos e Historia Económica
    Universidad Pablo de Olavide - Sevilla (España)
    Teléfono: +34 954 34 93 54
    Fax: +34 954 34 93 39
    Correo-e: mlozoyo@upo.es

Scientific Comittee

Article Processing Charge (APC) Policy

No charges or fees are required for paper submission, evaluation or, in case of acceptance, publication.

Plagiarism policy

Every paper submitted to the Journal must pass a plagiarism check process in order to be published in case of acceptance. This process is carried out by the editorial team using plagiarism detection software before assigning reviewers for the paper. If plagiarism is detected, the paper will be automatically rejected.

Authors take the resposability for assuring that the paper submitted for evaluation complies with all the requirements about being original and unpublished.

Journal History

Past Editors of RevMetCuant: 

Eugenio M. Fedriani Martel (2006-2014).

Alfredo G. Hernández-Díaz (2006-2015).

Ángel Francisco Tenorio Villalón (2015-2019).

Macarena Lozano Oyola (2019-2023).